Formed in 2010, Virginia trio Night Hag approaches their 15th year of rotting existence, releasing a hand full of demos, eps, live albums, and splits along the way until the 2022 full length Phantasmal Scourge. The bands particularly foul brand of death metal and rancid doom has taken shape and further solidified through the years of consistent live shows, fests, and touring. Gluey mid paced pummelling segues into faster paced bone crushing heaviness which falls into the droning, drooling, caveman doom you'd expect from Coffins or Cianide and the like. Night Hag certainly has their own flavour though, which is evident in the nightmare drenched, no frills / all stench style.
Formed in 2010, Virginia trio Night Hag approaches their 15th year of rotting existence, releasing a hand full of demos, eps, live albums, and splits along the way until the 2022 full length Phantasmal Scourge. The bands particularly foul brand of death metal and rancid doom has taken shape and further solidified through the years of consistent live shows, fests, and touring. Gluey mid paced pummelling segues into faster paced bone crushing heaviness which falls into the droning, drooling, caveman doom you'd expect from Coffins or Cianide and the like. Night Hag certainly has their own flavour though, which is evident in the nightmare drenched, no frills / all stench style.