Please give a brief history of the band, including current line up.The band originally formed in 1980 with the first gig at West London's Acklem Hall 4th March 1981.The current line-up is me (Roi) on vocals, Chris Jones on drums, John Pearce (no relation) on playing bass and Keith Hillyer on guitar.The band have been back together in this format since 2000. We recorded eight tracks 18 months ago, four old and four new including 'Working Class Kids' and 'Held Hostage' from the Peel & Birdhouse session. Only one of the tracks has been released - 'We're Gonna Get You' was on 'Addicted To Oi!' under Millwall Roi. We have loads of lyrics written and now we are just fitting riffs around the lyrics.
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Please give a brief history of the band, including current line up.The band originally formed in 1980 with the first gig at West London's Acklem Hall 4th March 1981.The current line-up is me (Roi) on vocals, Chris Jones on drums, John Pearce (no relation) on playing bass and Keith Hillyer on guitar.The band have been back together in this format since 2000. We recorded eight tracks 18 months ago, four old and four new including 'Working Class Kids' and 'Held Hostage' from the Peel & Birdhouse session. Only one of the tracks has been released - 'We're Gonna Get You' was on 'Addicted To Oi!' under Millwall Roi. We have loads of lyrics written and now we are just fitting riffs around the lyrics.
Contacts et médias
Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent.